Sunday, March 26, 2017

Hardy Boyz Bye Bye TNA? Who Owns Broken Matt Hardy?

 It its time to talk about someone I have wanted to talk about for a while, and since it is probable that

they will return to WWE sometime in 2017. If you read my title then you will know who I am

talking about. We are talking about the Broke Brilliance of Broken Matt Hardy and Brother Nero,

Jeff Hardy.

Image result for broken matt hardy

 Recently, the duo left TNA, a rival wrestling promotion to WWE, when, to add to TNA's

financial trouble, backstage of the show became unstable with arguments and other such problems.

Now that is very understandable, since TNA was struggling and they could easily find jobs

elsewhere, but what is shocking is that TNA is now suing Matt over the Broken gimmick and

claiming that TNA has ownership of the character. No that is really odd, because the Hardys had

creative control over their career in TNA, meaning that they wrote everything that would happen to

their characters without TNA's help. This means that Matt himself came up with the gimmick of the

Broken Hardys and TNA is trying to stop them from using a gimmick that they themselves created

and TNA had very little control over, if any. TNA is likely doing this out of spite, because at the time

of their departure, the Hardys where their biggest draw, and now that they are gone they don't want

the Boyz using a gimmick that was made famous in their company. So who do you think should own

the character? Matt Hardy or TNA?

Image result for broken matt hardy

Link to article by Bleeding Pro:

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

WWE Discourse Community

 The Discourse community that connects to WWE that I'm talking about is the Randy Orton Fan base.

 this is a discourse community because they all agree that Randy Orton is one of the best wrestlers of

all time. You will find fans talking about him on Blogs, Reddit, Facebook, and other online sites and

pages. They use information to back up how good Randy is, such as being the youngest ever WWE

World Heavyweight Champion, being a 12 time World Champion, 2 times Royal Rumble winner, and

 has headlined Wrestlemania multiple times. Randy Orton is wildly known for the internet meme

surrounding his finisher, the RKO. The meme is knows as the #RKOOUTTAKNOWHERE, which

spawned because whenever Randy hit the RKO, he would usually catch his opponent by surprise

with it, causing the announcer, Michael Cole, to say "A RKO, out of nowhere!" every time Orton hit

the move.
Image result for rko to evan bourne

 The differnet levels of Randy Orton fans are the ones who watched his WWE Hall Of Famer father,

Cowbow Bob Orton, wrestle, those who liked him since his debut in 2002, and the fans who got

behind him because of his most recent feud with Bray Wyatt, which is currently at the front of the

Smackdown show.

There are many fans sites about Randy Orton, such as

and, which talk about the life and career of Orton. Right now, Randy is

one of the biggest stars of Smackdown and is defiantly a future WWE Hall Of Famer.
Image result for randy orton

Thursday, March 2, 2017

John Cena Heel Turn?

 One of the WWE's biggest baby faces has been John Cena for over a decade. But there have been times when people have wanted John Cena to become the bad guy, because his character has gotten old and predictable. It is safe to say you will know how a John Cena story line will end. John Cena fights the bad guy, loses to him by disqualification or the bad guy wins with help, then John wins the next 3 encounters without help, thus ending the feud and any momentum the heel had from the win. But what would happen if WWE had turned him heel? I will be talking about 3 times or ways John Cena could turn heel.

1. Vs CM Punk. At the time of Punk's last title reign, he wasn't seen as the bad guy. He was seen as the revitalization of the WWE. Watch any match of CM Punk's in 2012, and you will see how much the fans picture him. Now at the time of his feud with John Cena, he just defeated Cena at Money In the Bank, and left the company as the champ while his contract ended. When Punk won, in his home town of Chicago, the fans reacted like he was a god. Soon, WWE set up a tournament, which lasted about a month, to crown a new champion, and it was won by long time baby face and underdog, Rey Mysterio, it being is first ever run with the WWE Championship. The fans where overjoyed at Rey finally winning the title, but later that night, he got told that since John wasn't fired for losing to Punk, Rey had to defend his newly won title 2 hours after winning it, and he lost to Cena. This pissed off the fans, but what excited them was that when Cena stood in the ring the next week holding the championship, CM Punk came back holding the old belt. Fans wanted Punk to win so badly, and they where behind him so much, it just made sense to have Cena be the heel and Punk to be the face, but it never happened. Cena stayed the face, and Punk lost the title to The Rock, ending the feud as the less popular baby face.

2. Vs The Rock. At Wrestlemania 27, John Cena fought the Miz for the WWE championship, which the Miz was the current champ. when the match ended with a double countout, the Rock, who was completely over with the fans and was and still is the biggest baby face in the company, restarted the match. Then when Cena was about to win, he planted Cena with a Rock Bottom, allowing Miz to win. They then set up a match between Rock and Cena at the main of event of Wrestlemania. Both men entered as faces, and the Rock won. Cena then came back months after his lose, won the Royal Rumble, and challenged the Rock at Mania for a rematch and for the WWE Championship. At the time the Rock was a lot more over then Cena and the match was for the title, so if they wanted to they could have had Cena cheat to beat the Rock at the main event of Wrestlemania for the WWE Championship. This would have light a fire under Cena, changed his image, and would have set the WWE into a new area. Instead they had Cena win clean, and the story line fell flat in the end.

 3. Defeating the Streak. Back in 2014, the Undertaker was a fan favoirte and was 21-0 at Wrestlemania. No one could beat him. He was just unstoppable. it would have been the biggest heel turn in history if Cena had cheated to defeat the streak, but instead Brock Lesnar beat the streak clean, and Cena and Taker have never even fought each other in a one on one match. If Cena had been the one to end the streak, and cheat to do so, it would have changed wrestling as we know it, as one of the greatest wrestlers in history lost a part of his legacy to someone who was not only a face, but is as big of a star as the Undertaker.

Image result for 10 times wwe should have turned cena heel

Image result for 10 times wwe should have turned cena heel