Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Crazy Little Rant About Something Something School Literacy

 What is School Literacy? In my humble opinion it is how you are able to handle yourself in school and how you adjust to a school's policy and grading process. When Rick Evans uses it in his article, he is talking about how a student develops when they receive a reading and writing experience.

 Good Reading is when you read a article or book and you can understand the point of the reading. It is when you have a good understanding of it and can think back on what happened clearly, or at least you are able to come up with the person's reason for writing, who is the piece for, and how this can help you in the future.

Example: When you read Twilight by Stephen Myer, you understand that it's purpose was to make girls desire vampires and werewolves as their boyfriend, while also ruining both monsters for horror fans. Example 2: When you read any book one history you understand that you will be learning about something that took place years ago and that the way it is written and who the history favors, is determined by the writer.
Image result for when you realize, twilight sucks
Good Writing is when you are fully able to explain you opinion on a subject, and the reader is fully able to understand your reasons for the writing.

Example: A report on Twilight saying that it is racist while giving reasons why, such as the white vampires being rich, respected, and intelligent, while the Native American werewolves are somewhat dumb, poor, and treated as outcasts.

A problem with Good Reading and Good Writing is that, to everyone they define different things. One thing might be good to one person, but a piece of crap to another. Opinions on it changes from person to person.

School, according to Evans, makes the student not want to read or write, because if they can not get good grades, they believe that they are not good at either reading or writing and just give up on it.

Because of school, I've grown to love reading. Every day I read for at least 30 mins. I fully agree with Evan's theory because I've seen people struggle in a subject and just give up on it. I pretty much did that in math for 3 years because no matter how hard I worked, I always got bad grades.

Well that is it for my first blog. Sorry if it is not good, I am still working on it and this picture of a school should be the background, but I don't know how to do that yet. If you have some tips or want me to write about something let me know. Thanks =).

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