Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Changing Faces Of The Devil's Favorite Demon

 From The Christmas Creature, Fake Diesel,to the God damn dentist known as Isaac Yankem, all

lead up to what is know as Kane, the Undertaker's brother AKA The Devils Greatest Demon, to what

they know him as now, Tipsy Grandpa, the Demon know as Kane has been through many image

changes. The 20+ year career of the one time WWE, World Heavyweight, and ECW champion, Kane

has been full of ups and downs. (PS whatculture.com covers this in a near 6 minute list of 10

Things WWE wants you to forget about Kane, which I will link here for you.  and yest I got the

Tipsy Grandpa line from them) ( https://youtu.be/fEiV1Dz94BM )

 One of Kane's more unknown runs when he was the Christmas Creature, however this did not last

that long. The run was in USWA wrestling promotion. He only appeared once in this gimmick, so I

can't say much about this, except for what the hell where they thinking dressing someone up as a

Christmas Tree?

In 1996, after the real Diesel and Razor Ramon left the WWE, Vince McMahon decided to have

Glenn Jacobs, AKA Kane, and a wrestler named Rick Bognar take up the names of the two icons.

However, it did not go well with the fans. The two where just seen as knock offs of the originals.

It was defiantly one of the worst things Glenn had to do, and the fans hated every minute of it. The

gimmick lasted until the Royal Rumble, where Fake Diesel made his last appearance as #3 in the

Rumble match.

 Now we get to the time when Glenn had to play a wrestling dentist by the name of Isaac Yankem.... I

 hate wrestling sometimes. Because he was a dentist, he would remove opponent's teeth with a clamp.

This gimmick did not do well either, only lasting from 1995-1996.

 Now we get to Kane. He had one of the best debuts of all time, when in 1997, he interfered in a hell

 in the cell match between The Undertaker, his brother, and Shawn Michaels. He walked down to the

ring, and ripped the cell door off its hinges, marched in, hit his brother with Taker's own finisher, the

Tombstone Piledriver, and allowed Shawn to win the match. At the time, he was the scariest thing in

 wrestling, and he could back it up in the ring as well. He is still going strong as the Big Red Monster,

 with 3 World Championships under his belt, along with 12 Tag Team Championships, 2

Intercontinental championships, 1 Hardcore title win, Money in the Bank, 2 time WWE Slammy

winner, most appearances in the Royal Rumble with 19, and the most eliminations in the Royal

Rumble of all time at 43. Ever since his debut as Kane, Glenn Jacobs has experienced one of the

greatest careers in wrestling of all time, and is a sure fired addition to WWE's Hall of Fame when he

 finally retires.

Image result for kaneImage result for kane 2014

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Story Time Kiddies =)

The first match I ever remember watching in WWE was the Royal Rumble 2004. It was the one 

where Chris Benoit won, eliminating the Big Show last. I remember it because Chris was my 

favorite wrestler, Eddie Guerrero's, friend. I also remember it because 2 years after he won, both him 

and Eddie would be dead. Eddie died in 2006 do to heart failure. Benoit died in 2007, after he killed

 his wife and son, due to having a mental breakdown, while having the brain of a 70-year old 

Alzheimer patient, do to many concussions, when he died, according to doctors. Chris was only 39 

years old when he died.
Image result for chris benoit
 Before Eddie died, he was emotional support for Chris. The two where best friends, and Chris relied 

on Eddie. Without EG, Chris became depressed. When WWE did a tribute to EG the next Raw after 

he died, Chris can be seen openly weeping and holding on to Eddie's nephew, Chavo Guerrero who 

was more of a brother to Eddie then a nephew. Imagine this, the year before, at WrestleMania, both 

Chris and Eddie ending the show embracing, each of them finally being a world champion, Eddie 

defeated Brock Lesnar for the title at the Pay-Per-View No Way Out, and Chris defeated Shawn 

Michaels and Triple H in the main event at mania to pick up the World Heavyweight championship 

that very night. That night, two best friends held the two main WWE titles at the same time.
Image result for eddie guerrero and chris benoit at wrestlemania 20

Thursday, February 23, 2017

WWE Time

 My name is Tom Wurtenberg. I am writing about what the WWE is doing right now, and the

direction it is going as a whole. WWE, also know as World Wrestling Entertainment, or World

Wrestling Federation, back when it was called the WWF. The WWE is a lot like mix martial arts,

boxing, and parqour all rolled into one, while also being scripted with the winners determined

before the match. Pretty much what goes on, is that people beat the living hell out of each other

for the entertainment of the fans, trash talk each other, and try to out perform everyone else. Its

pretty much like acting, only a lot more dangerous, harder to do, and if you are bad at it, the crowd

will let you know. *Cough Cough John Cena Cough Cough* Sorry about that, I meant to say, John

Cena but had something in my throat.

 The reason that I am writing about WWE is because I have watched it ever since I was 5 or 6 years

old. I seen amazing wrestlers such as Kurt Angel, Rey Mysterio, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker,

Kane, Triple H, Randy Orton, Sasha Banks, Lita, The Hardy Boyz, Team 3D, Chris Jericho, Kevin

Owens, and many more.Image result for kane I have also seen some not so good wrestlers like Mike Knox, John Cena,

The Great Khali, The Miz, R-Truth, Hornswaggle, Jack Swagger, Roman Reigns, Eva Marie, the

Spirit Squad (Minus Dolph Ziggler, He was and still is good), League of Nations, The Corre, and

many, many more.Image result for john cena

I plan to focus on crowd support of the people I am talking about, how they are being booked,

and wither or not, they deserve to be at the top, bottom, or middle of the promotion. People like

John Cena, who are not very good wrestlers, but the crowd reacts strongly to him and so are at the

Top. People like Roman Reigns, who is at the Top, even though he doesn't have a true fan base and

has little fan support.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Lit Knowledge? Time For A Literacy Debate???

Digital Literacy is understanding what is going on from the video, image, or reading that you are looking at. It is understanding why one of these was made, and understanding the different ways people write a word or use a image or emoji instead of just saying what you want or how you are feeling. 😆Could mean I messed up or I forgot. 😍 Means I love you. LOL, Laugh out loud. BRB, be right back. These are just a fraction of a percent of the different ways of saying each thing on a digital device. The main difference between traditional and digital literacy is that, when it comes to digital, there are many more things you have to understand, things that traditional literacy didn't
Image result for digital literacy

Image result for digital literacy
 Issues that are associated with online reading or use are : low test scores, diminishing literacy, decreased attention span, and the loss of reading a book as a culture, according to "Literacy Debate: Online, R U Really Reading?" by Motoko Rich for the NY Times Newspaper in 2008. I agree with the idea that online activity can lead to lower test scores, because students would rather play online then study. However, for idea that it diminishes literacy, I disagree with. Online reading is just a different type of literacy that some people just don't understand. Just because it is different, doesn't mean it is not a type of literacy. 

 Motoko says that benefits of online reading include: is that it does get them to read and write. What are you doing when you look at this post? Reading it! How did you search for different sites online? By typing, a form of writing, into the search bar what you are looking for. And when you text, email, or tweet with your friends, what are you doing? Reading and Writing! It is just a different form of reading and writing, one that is still new and developing.

 The work of Motoko, and the work of Dennis Baron's "From Pencils to Pixels" are similar because they are both talking about a new technology that is changing both our culture and our literacy means. Without this change in technology, I wouldn't be writing this blog, you wouldn't be reading this blog, and quite simple, we wouldn't have phones or computers or any other digital device. So just accept that the change is happening, because there is no stopping it with any legal means.
 Image result for digital literacy memeRandom Picture of a Squirrel.
Image result for digital literacy meme

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Change of Tech: Writing Vs Typing

In "PencilstoPixels" by Dennis Baron, he talks about how ever since he started to us computers to write, when he tries to write on paper, it overwhelms him. He points out how much easier it is for you to fix a error on a computer then it is to fix it when handwriting. He now says that using a computer gives gives you more flexibility when it comes to writing. To this, I agree with him because computers tell you when you made a error, unlike a piece of paper. It is much faster to remove a error or add a sentence in on a computer then it is to write it out, all it takes is a couple of buttons instead of constantly moving a eraser.
Image result for writing on a computer
From using a rock on a wall, dipping a piece of stone or a quill into ink, using a typewriter or a lead pencil, the way of writing that has effected me the most would be the computer or a hand held device such as a phone or a tablet. With the phone/table and the computer, you can send messages, emails, essays and other forms of writing instantly. They remove the wait that sending mail using the post office

When I first began to write, it was with pencil and a piece of paper. However, I now strongly prefer to use a computer to write with. I find it much easier to do and it takes less time. I find it is the easiest writing technology to use for almost any situation. When I want to send quick, personal messages, updates, or simply want to talk, I use my phone. Other then that and using handwriting for note taking, I prefer to use a computer.

 The Advantage of using a computer is that it is quicker, easier to fix, and the quickest way of sending a message. The Disadvantage is that they are not always around, need for a WiFi connection, and they need to be charged in order to be used.

 The Advantage of using none electronics are that they are easy to carry and do not need to be charged. The Disadvantage is that they are slower, harder to fix, and slower to reach the person who you are writing to or for.

 Literacy has changed because we used to write out our words carefully, now we just break them down in to little words, such as OMG, LOL, BRB, and others like that. It can be harder to understand, but it does show off personal flare that handwriting in the past did not offer.

  (Plz fix the grade on my other 2 blog posts)
Image result for old fashioned typewriter