Sunday, April 2, 2017

Goliath's 15 Wrestling Injuries That Changed Everything

 One of the things that all wrestlers have to fear is injuries. People like to talk about the worst wrestling injuries of all time, and the injuries that changed the business. So now, i'm going to look at one such article that was written by Goliath, talking about 15 injuries that changed the business.

The audience that they are writing too would be those who both hate wrestling and those who love it. For a fan of wrestling, finding out about the most influential injuries that ever happened and to learn how they changed the business for better and for worse. As for those that hate wrestling, they can use a article like this to prove that wrestling is too dangerous and shouldn't be allowed.

Ethos- WWE, WCW, NWA, and 15 famous wrestlers. The names are very well know, especially Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, Triple H, Goldberg, Bret Hart and the Undertaker, so talking about anything to do with these people means that they should know what they are talking about, as each of these men will be, if they are not already, Hall Of Famers in WWE, which itself is the biggest wrestling company in the world by a large margin.

Pathos- Informative and sad, because it is talking about people getting hurt.

Logos- Showcases the dangers of wrestling.

The writer wanted to inform us of the may injuries wrestlers can obtain in the ring. He wanted to show how each of these injuries effected the everyday life of these wrestlers, with Daniel Bryan, Bret Hart, and Steve Austin being forced to retire do to the injuries. I think that it was very effective, because it go the point across that wrestling is dangerous and should be taken seriously.

Image result for sid vicious injury

Image result for randy orton injury Here is the article by Goliath.

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