Tuesday, April 18, 2017

sources for the main project


Cillanki, Akash. "What are the "Delete" Chants and Broken Gimmick of The Hardy Boyz all about?" Sports News. Sportskeeda, 10 Apr. 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2017.

 The main Idea of this article is the struggle of how Broken Matt Hardy came to be. I will use this to not only show how Matt suffered a mental breakdown, thanks to Jeff, but also show how fans react to him and what that means for our society. "This massive surge in popularity saw the brothers take the Indy scene by storm. They went to a number of wrestling promotions around the world – either as a team or Matt Hardy alone – and it was always to overwhelming success. Things got so good that the brothers didn't extend their deal with TNA, instead waiting for better opportunities" (Akash).


"The Postmodern Brilliance of Broken Matt Hardy." Pastemagazine.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2017

The main idea of this article is that changing one's gimmick can restore fan appeal. It connects to my topic because it can be classified as celebrity worship, because he was a fan of the Hardy Boyz before they became "Broken" but their appeal died off, but now they they are "Broken", the writer is once again a fan. This will not only be a celebrity worship part of the essay, but also showing that changing oneself can be good, and it also can be used to show how people feel to Matt Hardy ever since he became Broken Matt Hardy. "Hardy is in on the joke, exaggerating each facial expression like a salivating cartoon wolf."(Pane).

http://web.b.ebscohost.com.proxy.bucks.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=3&sid=da49b5dc-5714-4b62-80b6-2d27ed0d19e7%40sessionmgr103&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=10664485&db=aph     (A Cognitive profile of Individuals who Tent to Worship Celebrities)


 I will be using both of the these articles to further examine the extent of celebrity worship when it comes to Matt Hardy. The first tells you what type of people are likely to full into celebrity worship.  The second one too show that some people take celebrity worship to a extreme and can treat it like a religion. Both of these will help me greatly talk about the fans who support Broken Matt Hardy.

 Image result for Tna owlImage result for WWE logo

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