Tuesday, April 4, 2017

WWE VS MMA: How Differnet Really Are They?

 Now first off, a main difference between them is that One, WWE, is staged, while the other, MMA, is a actual fight. however, what people seem not to understand is that WWE is actually more dangerous then MMA. With MMA they don't bash each other in the head with a weapon, they don't get knocked off ladders while reaching for a title, they don't have inferno matches, Hell In A Cells, Steel Cages, Street Fights or a number of other match types. It is not "Fake", the moves they do are real, some of the injuries, those that are not introduced for a story line, and if you mess up, you can get seriously hurt or die. Lets look at a big WWE and UFC star Brock Lesnar at WWE's Wrestlemania 19. Brock was fighting the World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle and went for a shooting star press to the Olympic Gold Medalist, and ended up misjudging the distances and his rotation, and the killer whale in human skin landed right smack on his head.

Image result for brock lesnar shooting star   

Another time a wrestler was injured by a misused moved was WWE Hall Of Famer Sid Vicious who attempted to do a second rope big boot to another wrestler. What happened you may ask? Well.... I'd Rather show you then try to say why a 300+ pound man should never attempt this move.
 Image result for sid vicious leg

 Now, people rag on WWE for being "Fake". There are many sites talking about this. One such site is ezinearticles.com. He calls WWE fake because they use weapons and have a script in which the wrestlers follow. Now this is true, however what he seems to forget is that wrestling does take a toll on the body. The writer of this article, Michael Wickham, has experience in MMA, as he has been training in it for 1 year, prior to writing this article.

 UFC is also different from WWE is different ways then just how a fight goes. According to Forbes.com, WWE's and UFC's annual revenue is far apart. UFC made almost $100 million more then WWE in 2007. However, WWE's popularity is on the rise, as it made $659 million, which is $59 million more then UFC did in 2015. So it seems that even though WWE is "Fake", it is making more money then the "Real Sport" of MMA.


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