Wednesday, May 3, 2017

End Game

 As those of you are aware, I was simply doing this blog as a class project. Sad to say, but the class is

over in 2 days. There will probably not be any more posts, unless you want me to keep writing about

my opinions on WWE as a whole. If you want me to rate matches and such, or if you simply want me

to talk about a different wrestler each week, both I am able and willing to due. So let me know and

we will see what happens. =)

Image result for john cenaImage result for brother nero

Image result for broken matt hardyImage result for kane

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

sources for the main project

Cillanki, Akash. "What are the "Delete" Chants and Broken Gimmick of The Hardy Boyz all about?" Sports News. Sportskeeda, 10 Apr. 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2017.

 The main Idea of this article is the struggle of how Broken Matt Hardy came to be. I will use this to not only show how Matt suffered a mental breakdown, thanks to Jeff, but also show how fans react to him and what that means for our society. "This massive surge in popularity saw the brothers take the Indy scene by storm. They went to a number of wrestling promotions around the world – either as a team or Matt Hardy alone – and it was always to overwhelming success. Things got so good that the brothers didn't extend their deal with TNA, instead waiting for better opportunities" (Akash).

"The Postmodern Brilliance of Broken Matt Hardy." N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2017

The main idea of this article is that changing one's gimmick can restore fan appeal. It connects to my topic because it can be classified as celebrity worship, because he was a fan of the Hardy Boyz before they became "Broken" but their appeal died off, but now they they are "Broken", the writer is once again a fan. This will not only be a celebrity worship part of the essay, but also showing that changing oneself can be good, and it also can be used to show how people feel to Matt Hardy ever since he became Broken Matt Hardy. "Hardy is in on the joke, exaggerating each facial expression like a salivating cartoon wolf."(Pane).     (A Cognitive profile of Individuals who Tent to Worship Celebrities)

 I will be using both of the these articles to further examine the extent of celebrity worship when it comes to Matt Hardy. The first tells you what type of people are likely to full into celebrity worship.  The second one too show that some people take celebrity worship to a extreme and can treat it like a religion. Both of these will help me greatly talk about the fans who support Broken Matt Hardy.

 Image result for Tna owlImage result for WWE logo

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Celebrity Worship Broken Hardy Boy (Matt) Academic Source Evaluation

 Mccutcheon, Lynn E., Rense Lange, and James Houran. "Conceptualization and measurement of celebrity worship." British Journal of Psychology 93.1 (2002): 67-87. Web. 

 For my research on Broken Matt Hardy, one of the topics I will be talking about will be Celebrity Worship. For this, I will be using a article written by James Houran and others for the British Journal of Psychology. The article is called "Conceptualization and measurement of celebrity worship". The reason why i'm using this article is because the writers back up their work with other sources, and they add to the information that was already written about.

 The main point of the article is to show how people react to celebrities in certain fields of media. They used the a scale that they named the Celebrity Worship Scale, or the CWS. The scale factored acting, music, sports, and other celebrities equally. Celebrity worship, they said has 3 different stages, stage 1. Reading and watching the celebrity. Stage 2. Talking about the celebrity on social media. 3. A mixture of empathy for the success and failures the celebrity goes through, compulsive behaviors over the celebrity, over-identification with the celebrity, and obsession. The authors created a model showing the absorption and addiction people feel when seeing or hearing about the celebrity. I feel this research is important because it shows how people react to the celebrities they hear about everyday, especially since some people go to extremes over the celebrities.
 Image result for sox fan attacks coach
 To gather their research, the authors used the Parasocial Interaction Scale which measures the how viewers developed relationships with newscasters. This is important because the scale showed that 61% of viewers watched the same news channels because it made them feel comfortable. They also used results from a celebrity appeal questionnaire that was based on attraction to the celebrity using sex appeal, role model, entertainer, and mystique as their 4 factors. They themselves gathered information using a Rasch scaling approach that focused on responses from 249 volunteers to see how that rate a celebrity. The scale factored out bias and errors of estimation.

 In the end of the study, they found that music and sports celebrities were more popular then those then those in acting. They found that men tend to talk more about media celebrities then women, which was consistent with another study by Levin and Arluke in 1985. The reason they found for the idolization of a celebrity was that they felt a special connection to the celebrity. I was shocked to hear that men were more likely to talk about media celebrities, but I wasn't shocked that the reason people worship a celebrity was because they felt a connection to them. In professions such as wrestling for example, how over a character is, the better they tend to do in the business. 

 In the end, I feel that I can use the article in my essay. When working with someone like Broken Matt Hardy, their research about how celebrities are seen by their viewers because of a "special connection" defiantly are seen with Matt. To see this, all you have to do is watch Monday Night Raw when Matt Hardy is on stage. Another thing this helps with is that most of the people who talk about him are wrestling fans, and most fans are men. The research they provided will help me fully analyze how and why fans respond to the "Broken Brilliance" of Broken Matt Hardy 

Image result for fan attacks randy orton

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Broken Matt Hardy

 The cultural artifact I have chosen is Broken Matt Hardy, one half of WWE's Raw Brand Tag Team Champions. I chose Broken Matt because he is one of the most popular wrestlers in the world. He was named 2016 Gimmick of the Year by Thewrestlingnewsletter. Everywhere he goes, the crowd chant "DELETE" at the top of their lungs, because that is one of Matt's catchphrases. Matt Hardy's gimmick is over the top and exciting, it is pretty much a walking meme on steroids. He talks in a British accent, and has his brother Jeff be called Brother Nero, his son be called King Maxell, a butler named Senor Benjamin, a giraffe with the soul of George Washington, a drone called Vanguard-1, and many other crazy stuff.
One of is most popular story lines was the Hardys versus Decay, also called Delete Or Decay, in which Matt, Jeff, and Reby Hardy fought against Abyss, Crazy Steve, and Rosemary in TNA. In the feud, they fought at the Hardy Compound, Matt and Jeff's home, and had Roman Candles, someone getting choked out in a pool with a inflatable pool toy, Decay stealing a pickup truck and kidnapping Senior Benjamin, Matt Hardy's Zoo, which holds animals with the souls of the worlds smartest people, such as the George Washington Giraffe and a Tiger who is Genghis Khan, and so many other things that its hard to believe actually happened.
 Broken Matt Hardy represents emotional struggle, which led him to becoming "Broken" after his failure to defeat Jeff. His struggle with the fact that he couldn't beat Jeff and the fact that everywhere he turned Jeff was there, wore him down and changed him into the Broken Matt that he is now. The entire Broken gimmick revolves around Matt having a mental breakdown, changing him and making him go ding dong merely on mental. How the fans react to him is, in a way, celebrity worship. The fans can't seem to get enough of him even though he is now a nut case. He also caused a similar mental breakdown to his brother Jeff by attacking him with drones, roman candles, gardening tools, a boat, a taser, and ladders, which is enough to drive anyone insane. He pretty much forced Jeff to become his unwilling servant.
 From everything that Matt Hardy now is, it shows me that the fans love it when a wrestler becomes creative and tries to do things no one else has done before. Before the gimmick, Matt was somewhat over as a heel, but after he became "Broken" Matt Hardy, he has become the most popular wrestler in the world. The fans want something new and exciting, and that is just what Matt Hardy has done. Because of this gimmick people are now chanting "Delete" as loud as they can whenever he appears.
 The fans love something new, exciting and weird. The fans seem to worship him because he is hilarious, but they don't take in to account that they are in love with someone who went off his rocker and is now mentally unstable. He tired to Kill Jeff, and I mean Kill him, with fireworks. He took roman candles and shot them at him. Then, after Matt "Broke" Jeff, the two tried to kill Decay, Crazzy Steve and Abyss, with even more roman candles. Yeah not so fun now when you realize he is a nut case trying to murder people with roman candles and drones.
Image result for broken hardysImage result for broken hardys

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

WWE VS MMA: How Differnet Really Are They?

 Now first off, a main difference between them is that One, WWE, is staged, while the other, MMA, is a actual fight. however, what people seem not to understand is that WWE is actually more dangerous then MMA. With MMA they don't bash each other in the head with a weapon, they don't get knocked off ladders while reaching for a title, they don't have inferno matches, Hell In A Cells, Steel Cages, Street Fights or a number of other match types. It is not "Fake", the moves they do are real, some of the injuries, those that are not introduced for a story line, and if you mess up, you can get seriously hurt or die. Lets look at a big WWE and UFC star Brock Lesnar at WWE's Wrestlemania 19. Brock was fighting the World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle and went for a shooting star press to the Olympic Gold Medalist, and ended up misjudging the distances and his rotation, and the killer whale in human skin landed right smack on his head.

Image result for brock lesnar shooting star   

Another time a wrestler was injured by a misused moved was WWE Hall Of Famer Sid Vicious who attempted to do a second rope big boot to another wrestler. What happened you may ask? Well.... I'd Rather show you then try to say why a 300+ pound man should never attempt this move.
 Image result for sid vicious leg

 Now, people rag on WWE for being "Fake". There are many sites talking about this. One such site is He calls WWE fake because they use weapons and have a script in which the wrestlers follow. Now this is true, however what he seems to forget is that wrestling does take a toll on the body. The writer of this article, Michael Wickham, has experience in MMA, as he has been training in it for 1 year, prior to writing this article.

 UFC is also different from WWE is different ways then just how a fight goes. According to, WWE's and UFC's annual revenue is far apart. UFC made almost $100 million more then WWE in 2007. However, WWE's popularity is on the rise, as it made $659 million, which is $59 million more then UFC did in 2015. So it seems that even though WWE is "Fake", it is making more money then the "Real Sport" of MMA.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Goliath's 15 Wrestling Injuries That Changed Everything

 One of the things that all wrestlers have to fear is injuries. People like to talk about the worst wrestling injuries of all time, and the injuries that changed the business. So now, i'm going to look at one such article that was written by Goliath, talking about 15 injuries that changed the business.

The audience that they are writing too would be those who both hate wrestling and those who love it. For a fan of wrestling, finding out about the most influential injuries that ever happened and to learn how they changed the business for better and for worse. As for those that hate wrestling, they can use a article like this to prove that wrestling is too dangerous and shouldn't be allowed.

Ethos- WWE, WCW, NWA, and 15 famous wrestlers. The names are very well know, especially Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, Triple H, Goldberg, Bret Hart and the Undertaker, so talking about anything to do with these people means that they should know what they are talking about, as each of these men will be, if they are not already, Hall Of Famers in WWE, which itself is the biggest wrestling company in the world by a large margin.

Pathos- Informative and sad, because it is talking about people getting hurt.

Logos- Showcases the dangers of wrestling.

The writer wanted to inform us of the may injuries wrestlers can obtain in the ring. He wanted to show how each of these injuries effected the everyday life of these wrestlers, with Daniel Bryan, Bret Hart, and Steve Austin being forced to retire do to the injuries. I think that it was very effective, because it go the point across that wrestling is dangerous and should be taken seriously.

Image result for sid vicious injury

Image result for randy orton injury Here is the article by Goliath.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Hardy Boyz Bye Bye TNA? Who Owns Broken Matt Hardy?

 It its time to talk about someone I have wanted to talk about for a while, and since it is probable that

they will return to WWE sometime in 2017. If you read my title then you will know who I am

talking about. We are talking about the Broke Brilliance of Broken Matt Hardy and Brother Nero,

Jeff Hardy.

Image result for broken matt hardy

 Recently, the duo left TNA, a rival wrestling promotion to WWE, when, to add to TNA's

financial trouble, backstage of the show became unstable with arguments and other such problems.

Now that is very understandable, since TNA was struggling and they could easily find jobs

elsewhere, but what is shocking is that TNA is now suing Matt over the Broken gimmick and

claiming that TNA has ownership of the character. No that is really odd, because the Hardys had

creative control over their career in TNA, meaning that they wrote everything that would happen to

their characters without TNA's help. This means that Matt himself came up with the gimmick of the

Broken Hardys and TNA is trying to stop them from using a gimmick that they themselves created

and TNA had very little control over, if any. TNA is likely doing this out of spite, because at the time

of their departure, the Hardys where their biggest draw, and now that they are gone they don't want

the Boyz using a gimmick that was made famous in their company. So who do you think should own

the character? Matt Hardy or TNA?

Image result for broken matt hardy

Link to article by Bleeding Pro:

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

WWE Discourse Community

 The Discourse community that connects to WWE that I'm talking about is the Randy Orton Fan base.

 this is a discourse community because they all agree that Randy Orton is one of the best wrestlers of

all time. You will find fans talking about him on Blogs, Reddit, Facebook, and other online sites and

pages. They use information to back up how good Randy is, such as being the youngest ever WWE

World Heavyweight Champion, being a 12 time World Champion, 2 times Royal Rumble winner, and

 has headlined Wrestlemania multiple times. Randy Orton is wildly known for the internet meme

surrounding his finisher, the RKO. The meme is knows as the #RKOOUTTAKNOWHERE, which

spawned because whenever Randy hit the RKO, he would usually catch his opponent by surprise

with it, causing the announcer, Michael Cole, to say "A RKO, out of nowhere!" every time Orton hit

the move.
Image result for rko to evan bourne

 The differnet levels of Randy Orton fans are the ones who watched his WWE Hall Of Famer father,

Cowbow Bob Orton, wrestle, those who liked him since his debut in 2002, and the fans who got

behind him because of his most recent feud with Bray Wyatt, which is currently at the front of the

Smackdown show.

There are many fans sites about Randy Orton, such as

and, which talk about the life and career of Orton. Right now, Randy is

one of the biggest stars of Smackdown and is defiantly a future WWE Hall Of Famer.
Image result for randy orton

Thursday, March 2, 2017

John Cena Heel Turn?

 One of the WWE's biggest baby faces has been John Cena for over a decade. But there have been times when people have wanted John Cena to become the bad guy, because his character has gotten old and predictable. It is safe to say you will know how a John Cena story line will end. John Cena fights the bad guy, loses to him by disqualification or the bad guy wins with help, then John wins the next 3 encounters without help, thus ending the feud and any momentum the heel had from the win. But what would happen if WWE had turned him heel? I will be talking about 3 times or ways John Cena could turn heel.

1. Vs CM Punk. At the time of Punk's last title reign, he wasn't seen as the bad guy. He was seen as the revitalization of the WWE. Watch any match of CM Punk's in 2012, and you will see how much the fans picture him. Now at the time of his feud with John Cena, he just defeated Cena at Money In the Bank, and left the company as the champ while his contract ended. When Punk won, in his home town of Chicago, the fans reacted like he was a god. Soon, WWE set up a tournament, which lasted about a month, to crown a new champion, and it was won by long time baby face and underdog, Rey Mysterio, it being is first ever run with the WWE Championship. The fans where overjoyed at Rey finally winning the title, but later that night, he got told that since John wasn't fired for losing to Punk, Rey had to defend his newly won title 2 hours after winning it, and he lost to Cena. This pissed off the fans, but what excited them was that when Cena stood in the ring the next week holding the championship, CM Punk came back holding the old belt. Fans wanted Punk to win so badly, and they where behind him so much, it just made sense to have Cena be the heel and Punk to be the face, but it never happened. Cena stayed the face, and Punk lost the title to The Rock, ending the feud as the less popular baby face.

2. Vs The Rock. At Wrestlemania 27, John Cena fought the Miz for the WWE championship, which the Miz was the current champ. when the match ended with a double countout, the Rock, who was completely over with the fans and was and still is the biggest baby face in the company, restarted the match. Then when Cena was about to win, he planted Cena with a Rock Bottom, allowing Miz to win. They then set up a match between Rock and Cena at the main of event of Wrestlemania. Both men entered as faces, and the Rock won. Cena then came back months after his lose, won the Royal Rumble, and challenged the Rock at Mania for a rematch and for the WWE Championship. At the time the Rock was a lot more over then Cena and the match was for the title, so if they wanted to they could have had Cena cheat to beat the Rock at the main event of Wrestlemania for the WWE Championship. This would have light a fire under Cena, changed his image, and would have set the WWE into a new area. Instead they had Cena win clean, and the story line fell flat in the end.

 3. Defeating the Streak. Back in 2014, the Undertaker was a fan favoirte and was 21-0 at Wrestlemania. No one could beat him. He was just unstoppable. it would have been the biggest heel turn in history if Cena had cheated to defeat the streak, but instead Brock Lesnar beat the streak clean, and Cena and Taker have never even fought each other in a one on one match. If Cena had been the one to end the streak, and cheat to do so, it would have changed wrestling as we know it, as one of the greatest wrestlers in history lost a part of his legacy to someone who was not only a face, but is as big of a star as the Undertaker.

Image result for 10 times wwe should have turned cena heel

Image result for 10 times wwe should have turned cena heel

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Changing Faces Of The Devil's Favorite Demon

 From The Christmas Creature, Fake Diesel,to the God damn dentist known as Isaac Yankem, all

lead up to what is know as Kane, the Undertaker's brother AKA The Devils Greatest Demon, to what

they know him as now, Tipsy Grandpa, the Demon know as Kane has been through many image

changes. The 20+ year career of the one time WWE, World Heavyweight, and ECW champion, Kane

has been full of ups and downs. (PS covers this in a near 6 minute list of 10

Things WWE wants you to forget about Kane, which I will link here for you.  and yest I got the

Tipsy Grandpa line from them) ( )

 One of Kane's more unknown runs when he was the Christmas Creature, however this did not last

that long. The run was in USWA wrestling promotion. He only appeared once in this gimmick, so I

can't say much about this, except for what the hell where they thinking dressing someone up as a

Christmas Tree?

In 1996, after the real Diesel and Razor Ramon left the WWE, Vince McMahon decided to have

Glenn Jacobs, AKA Kane, and a wrestler named Rick Bognar take up the names of the two icons.

However, it did not go well with the fans. The two where just seen as knock offs of the originals.

It was defiantly one of the worst things Glenn had to do, and the fans hated every minute of it. The

gimmick lasted until the Royal Rumble, where Fake Diesel made his last appearance as #3 in the

Rumble match.

 Now we get to the time when Glenn had to play a wrestling dentist by the name of Isaac Yankem.... I

 hate wrestling sometimes. Because he was a dentist, he would remove opponent's teeth with a clamp.

This gimmick did not do well either, only lasting from 1995-1996.

 Now we get to Kane. He had one of the best debuts of all time, when in 1997, he interfered in a hell

 in the cell match between The Undertaker, his brother, and Shawn Michaels. He walked down to the

ring, and ripped the cell door off its hinges, marched in, hit his brother with Taker's own finisher, the

Tombstone Piledriver, and allowed Shawn to win the match. At the time, he was the scariest thing in

 wrestling, and he could back it up in the ring as well. He is still going strong as the Big Red Monster,

 with 3 World Championships under his belt, along with 12 Tag Team Championships, 2

Intercontinental championships, 1 Hardcore title win, Money in the Bank, 2 time WWE Slammy

winner, most appearances in the Royal Rumble with 19, and the most eliminations in the Royal

Rumble of all time at 43. Ever since his debut as Kane, Glenn Jacobs has experienced one of the

greatest careers in wrestling of all time, and is a sure fired addition to WWE's Hall of Fame when he

 finally retires.

Image result for kaneImage result for kane 2014

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Story Time Kiddies =)

The first match I ever remember watching in WWE was the Royal Rumble 2004. It was the one 

where Chris Benoit won, eliminating the Big Show last. I remember it because Chris was my 

favorite wrestler, Eddie Guerrero's, friend. I also remember it because 2 years after he won, both him 

and Eddie would be dead. Eddie died in 2006 do to heart failure. Benoit died in 2007, after he killed

 his wife and son, due to having a mental breakdown, while having the brain of a 70-year old 

Alzheimer patient, do to many concussions, when he died, according to doctors. Chris was only 39 

years old when he died.
Image result for chris benoit
 Before Eddie died, he was emotional support for Chris. The two where best friends, and Chris relied 

on Eddie. Without EG, Chris became depressed. When WWE did a tribute to EG the next Raw after 

he died, Chris can be seen openly weeping and holding on to Eddie's nephew, Chavo Guerrero who 

was more of a brother to Eddie then a nephew. Imagine this, the year before, at WrestleMania, both 

Chris and Eddie ending the show embracing, each of them finally being a world champion, Eddie 

defeated Brock Lesnar for the title at the Pay-Per-View No Way Out, and Chris defeated Shawn 

Michaels and Triple H in the main event at mania to pick up the World Heavyweight championship 

that very night. That night, two best friends held the two main WWE titles at the same time.
Image result for eddie guerrero and chris benoit at wrestlemania 20

Thursday, February 23, 2017

WWE Time

 My name is Tom Wurtenberg. I am writing about what the WWE is doing right now, and the

direction it is going as a whole. WWE, also know as World Wrestling Entertainment, or World

Wrestling Federation, back when it was called the WWF. The WWE is a lot like mix martial arts,

boxing, and parqour all rolled into one, while also being scripted with the winners determined

before the match. Pretty much what goes on, is that people beat the living hell out of each other

for the entertainment of the fans, trash talk each other, and try to out perform everyone else. Its

pretty much like acting, only a lot more dangerous, harder to do, and if you are bad at it, the crowd

will let you know. *Cough Cough John Cena Cough Cough* Sorry about that, I meant to say, John

Cena but had something in my throat.

 The reason that I am writing about WWE is because I have watched it ever since I was 5 or 6 years

old. I seen amazing wrestlers such as Kurt Angel, Rey Mysterio, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker,

Kane, Triple H, Randy Orton, Sasha Banks, Lita, The Hardy Boyz, Team 3D, Chris Jericho, Kevin

Owens, and many more.Image result for kane I have also seen some not so good wrestlers like Mike Knox, John Cena,

The Great Khali, The Miz, R-Truth, Hornswaggle, Jack Swagger, Roman Reigns, Eva Marie, the

Spirit Squad (Minus Dolph Ziggler, He was and still is good), League of Nations, The Corre, and

many, many more.Image result for john cena

I plan to focus on crowd support of the people I am talking about, how they are being booked,

and wither or not, they deserve to be at the top, bottom, or middle of the promotion. People like

John Cena, who are not very good wrestlers, but the crowd reacts strongly to him and so are at the

Top. People like Roman Reigns, who is at the Top, even though he doesn't have a true fan base and

has little fan support.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Lit Knowledge? Time For A Literacy Debate???

Digital Literacy is understanding what is going on from the video, image, or reading that you are looking at. It is understanding why one of these was made, and understanding the different ways people write a word or use a image or emoji instead of just saying what you want or how you are feeling. 😆Could mean I messed up or I forgot. 😍 Means I love you. LOL, Laugh out loud. BRB, be right back. These are just a fraction of a percent of the different ways of saying each thing on a digital device. The main difference between traditional and digital literacy is that, when it comes to digital, there are many more things you have to understand, things that traditional literacy didn't
Image result for digital literacy

Image result for digital literacy
 Issues that are associated with online reading or use are : low test scores, diminishing literacy, decreased attention span, and the loss of reading a book as a culture, according to "Literacy Debate: Online, R U Really Reading?" by Motoko Rich for the NY Times Newspaper in 2008. I agree with the idea that online activity can lead to lower test scores, because students would rather play online then study. However, for idea that it diminishes literacy, I disagree with. Online reading is just a different type of literacy that some people just don't understand. Just because it is different, doesn't mean it is not a type of literacy. 

 Motoko says that benefits of online reading include: is that it does get them to read and write. What are you doing when you look at this post? Reading it! How did you search for different sites online? By typing, a form of writing, into the search bar what you are looking for. And when you text, email, or tweet with your friends, what are you doing? Reading and Writing! It is just a different form of reading and writing, one that is still new and developing.

 The work of Motoko, and the work of Dennis Baron's "From Pencils to Pixels" are similar because they are both talking about a new technology that is changing both our culture and our literacy means. Without this change in technology, I wouldn't be writing this blog, you wouldn't be reading this blog, and quite simple, we wouldn't have phones or computers or any other digital device. So just accept that the change is happening, because there is no stopping it with any legal means.
 Image result for digital literacy memeRandom Picture of a Squirrel.
Image result for digital literacy meme

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Change of Tech: Writing Vs Typing

In "PencilstoPixels" by Dennis Baron, he talks about how ever since he started to us computers to write, when he tries to write on paper, it overwhelms him. He points out how much easier it is for you to fix a error on a computer then it is to fix it when handwriting. He now says that using a computer gives gives you more flexibility when it comes to writing. To this, I agree with him because computers tell you when you made a error, unlike a piece of paper. It is much faster to remove a error or add a sentence in on a computer then it is to write it out, all it takes is a couple of buttons instead of constantly moving a eraser.
Image result for writing on a computer
From using a rock on a wall, dipping a piece of stone or a quill into ink, using a typewriter or a lead pencil, the way of writing that has effected me the most would be the computer or a hand held device such as a phone or a tablet. With the phone/table and the computer, you can send messages, emails, essays and other forms of writing instantly. They remove the wait that sending mail using the post office

When I first began to write, it was with pencil and a piece of paper. However, I now strongly prefer to use a computer to write with. I find it much easier to do and it takes less time. I find it is the easiest writing technology to use for almost any situation. When I want to send quick, personal messages, updates, or simply want to talk, I use my phone. Other then that and using handwriting for note taking, I prefer to use a computer.

 The Advantage of using a computer is that it is quicker, easier to fix, and the quickest way of sending a message. The Disadvantage is that they are not always around, need for a WiFi connection, and they need to be charged in order to be used.

 The Advantage of using none electronics are that they are easy to carry and do not need to be charged. The Disadvantage is that they are slower, harder to fix, and slower to reach the person who you are writing to or for.

 Literacy has changed because we used to write out our words carefully, now we just break them down in to little words, such as OMG, LOL, BRB, and others like that. It can be harder to understand, but it does show off personal flare that handwriting in the past did not offer.

  (Plz fix the grade on my other 2 blog posts)
Image result for old fashioned typewriter

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Rigid Rules... I Hate Writers Block

 Writers block happens when a writer runs out of ideas. It can happens to almost anyone. Causes of it can come from lack of knowledge in a subject, lack of inspiration, or even a lack of interest in the subject one is writing about.

 Rose said that writers block often ended up causing the students to rush through paper and work, often causing low grades. This also caused students to doubt their ability as a writer. She believed that writers block was caused by emotions such as fear and anxiety.

Rigid Rules: Process what you are reading and understand that you will not get it right away, that understanding the reading comes with time. Use past learning to help you get through your work. they are learned through experience from what you are taught and from what you pick up on. The use of flexibility can help one get through a hard spot in a reading/writing. They are rules that you will learn throughout your life. They can also make you lose you momentum in the midst of your work.

  Causes of Writers Block According to Rose:

1.Fear 2.Anxiety 3.Insecurity 4.Difference of a Cognitive style 5. Melding of Emotion and Cognition.
6. The inability to decide what you want to write about. 7. Scrapping your ideas do to a deadline and having to rush through it instead of taking your time.

More Causes of Writers Block:Lack of interest in the topic. Lack of knowledge in a subject. Struggle to come up with a opinion or how to back it up. Distractions while you are trying to write. Unable to express ones true feelings about a piece.

  When looking at these, I suffer from anxiety because I fear the worst and hope for something in between good and bad when I am writing. I need to be able to know that I will get the best grade on a essay, otherwise I am scared to death that I will get a shitty grade.

To over come such a block one can ask for help, take a break from a subject, or write down ideas. It also helps to make a plan, before you start writing, of what you will do if you are hit with writers block.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Crazy Little Rant About Something Something School Literacy

 What is School Literacy? In my humble opinion it is how you are able to handle yourself in school and how you adjust to a school's policy and grading process. When Rick Evans uses it in his article, he is talking about how a student develops when they receive a reading and writing experience.

 Good Reading is when you read a article or book and you can understand the point of the reading. It is when you have a good understanding of it and can think back on what happened clearly, or at least you are able to come up with the person's reason for writing, who is the piece for, and how this can help you in the future.

Example: When you read Twilight by Stephen Myer, you understand that it's purpose was to make girls desire vampires and werewolves as their boyfriend, while also ruining both monsters for horror fans. Example 2: When you read any book one history you understand that you will be learning about something that took place years ago and that the way it is written and who the history favors, is determined by the writer.
Image result for when you realize, twilight sucks
Good Writing is when you are fully able to explain you opinion on a subject, and the reader is fully able to understand your reasons for the writing.

Example: A report on Twilight saying that it is racist while giving reasons why, such as the white vampires being rich, respected, and intelligent, while the Native American werewolves are somewhat dumb, poor, and treated as outcasts.

A problem with Good Reading and Good Writing is that, to everyone they define different things. One thing might be good to one person, but a piece of crap to another. Opinions on it changes from person to person.

School, according to Evans, makes the student not want to read or write, because if they can not get good grades, they believe that they are not good at either reading or writing and just give up on it.

Because of school, I've grown to love reading. Every day I read for at least 30 mins. I fully agree with Evan's theory because I've seen people struggle in a subject and just give up on it. I pretty much did that in math for 3 years because no matter how hard I worked, I always got bad grades.

Well that is it for my first blog. Sorry if it is not good, I am still working on it and this picture of a school should be the background, but I don't know how to do that yet. If you have some tips or want me to write about something let me know. Thanks =).